vendredi 19 décembre 2014
avant Noël
Ce vendredi de 11h30 à 21h30 ainsi que Samedi et Dimanche :
Venez entre amies pour une flute de champagne ensemble pour cette fin d'année, à la boutique La Mode by Régina au 66 avenue des Champs Elysées et profiter d'offres exceptionnelles pour les Fêtes.
J'aurais Grand Plaisir à vous accueillir vous et une amie.
A très vite. Régina
#sexy #girl #trendy #mode #instamode #Paris #Mode #Tendance #VentePrivee #Vente #Privee #robe #jupe #pantalon #combinaison #jeans #body #chemisier #legging #Noel #champagne #fetes #invitation #accessoire
( )
jeudi 13 novembre 2014
Ma Belle,
Je fais une vente Privée cette fin de semaine de Novembre :
Vendredi 14, Samedi 15 et Dimanche 16 de 11h30 à 21h30 tous les jours
à la boutique La Mode by Régina ( )
au 66 avenue des Champs Elysées dans la galerie - Boutique Numéro 72.
Jusqu'à moins 30% sur Jupes, Jeans, Pantalons et belles petites Robes de sortie.
Au plaisir de vous accueillir.
A Très vite. Régina.
#sexy #girl #trendy #mode #instamode #Paris #Mode #Tendance #VentePrivee #Vente #Privee #robe #jupe #pantalon #combinaison #jeans #body #chemisier #legging
Je fais une vente Privée cette fin de semaine de Novembre :
Vendredi 14, Samedi 15 et Dimanche 16 de 11h30 à 21h30 tous les jours
à la boutique La Mode by Régina ( )
au 66 avenue des Champs Elysées dans la galerie - Boutique Numéro 72.
Jusqu'à moins 30% sur Jupes, Jeans, Pantalons et belles petites Robes de sortie.
Au plaisir de vous accueillir.
A Très vite. Régina.
#sexy #girl #trendy #mode #instamode #Paris #Mode #Tendance #VentePrivee #Vente #Privee #robe #jupe #pantalon #combinaison #jeans #body #chemisier #legging
mardi 16 septembre 2014
Ptite Robe Noire
Pour la rentrée, de nouveaux modèles de Ptites Robes Noires. A venir découvrir et comme toujours nous sommes ouverts tous les jours même le dimanche et jusqu'à 21h30.
Un tissus doux et une coupe qui met en valeur votre silhouette.
A très vite.
Un tissus doux et une coupe qui met en valeur votre silhouette.
A très vite.
Interview of Ms Leigh Hickombottom
Leigh Hickombottom was born in the state
of Mississippi and raised in Texas. Currently she lives in Florida and planted
roots there. Fitness is her area of interest and passion. Fitness is a way of
life for Leigh, and maintaining her weight and physique are an important part
of that lifestyle. Leigh aids different charities who have made it their
mission to help those in need. Leigh has been featured in magazines such and
Oxygen and Muscular Development. Leigh has also written and published 2 books
on weight loss and fitness, “Logistics of Leanness” and “Logistics of Leanness
Defined”. In these books she share keys from her success on how to achieve your
desired weight loss for good by using the power of the mind. Leigh also writes
regular articles on her blog, focusing on health and happiness.
Today, we are happy to
conduct an interview with Leigh.
Good morning Leigh,
Before to start with our questions for BBN Magazine readers, perhaps, you could do a quick Bio to introduce you ?
You are a Bikini
competitor and a model. How did you arrive in fitness and bikini activities ?
I am both a model and author. I started in the fitness industry by being a spokesmodel for a well know fatburner and by beg seen in their ads.
I am both a model and author. I started in the fitness industry by being a spokesmodel for a well know fatburner and by beg seen in their ads.
Do you think your modeling career has influenced your lifestyle ?
Contrary I feel my lifestyle has influenced my career.

As a child I played sports but when I became a teen fell in love with track which i participated in for some of my schooling. After track I stuck to weight training at the gym just to keep the body in shape. This is when the gym became my second home for life :)
What are your future goals, dreams and plans?
I would like to go mainstream in my print work by combining soft fitness physique with fashion in a non intemidating way. I would like to continue to show women it is possible to get their body back after having children as I did after having 4. I would like to continue to help otheres remember the importance of self Love and to help them see they are beautiful with what they consider imperfections. At some point all of the quotes I write I would love to throw in an insirational daily reading small book.
I would like to go mainstream in my print work by combining soft fitness physique with fashion in a non intemidating way. I would like to continue to show women it is possible to get their body back after having children as I did after having 4. I would like to continue to help otheres remember the importance of self Love and to help them see they are beautiful with what they consider imperfections. At some point all of the quotes I write I would love to throw in an insirational daily reading small book.
What does your current training and split look like, and what do you
like most about it?
At the moment I m training upper and lower body on separate days with cardio on all days. Right now legs are the only muscle group I am training twice a week whereas the others are only once a week. I exercise 6 days a week and constanly change up something in my routine every 4 weeks. I train both at the gym and outdoors since I am a nature person.
At the moment I m training upper and lower body on separate days with cardio on all days. Right now legs are the only muscle group I am training twice a week whereas the others are only once a week. I exercise 6 days a week and constanly change up something in my routine every 4 weeks. I train both at the gym and outdoors since I am a nature person.

1)Love your body
2) try to achive perfection of your own physique and not anothers ince your body and DNA are unique to you.
3) Put in the work (exercise)
4) Nourish your body ( More than half of the reason a persons body image is the wy it is , is due to what they feed it)
5) Do it for you
6) Make a Lifestyle change( this is permant leading to permanat results)
7) Trust your bodytuition ( listen to your body)
What are your
favorite meals and foods? Do you use a specific regime to keep a such body ?
I love sushi, greens and almond butter. I listen to my body so I feed it whatit needs and exercise to maintain what I currently have.
I love sushi, greens and almond butter. I listen to my body so I feed it whatit needs and exercise to maintain what I currently have.
Do you eat
specific diet , nutrition or supplementation ?
a specific diet no. I eat what feels right and am a big fan of whey isolate and plant protien such as ones made from Sunwarrior
a specific diet no. I eat what feels right and am a big fan of whey isolate and plant protien such as ones made from Sunwarrior
What is your advice to stay healthy ?
I would say listen to your body. I call it bodytuition. your body knows what is best for you.From the food you put in it to what and how much exercise it needs.

I feel the body was born with all the tools needed to get it in shape ans well as maintain. for those using esthetics to remove fat from the body and opting to not change their lifestle, the results are short term. A full lifestyle of putting in the work nourishing the body and soul produce permanant results. Let esthetics be a second resord after giving your all.
What is your view
on cosmetic/plastic surgery? Have you undergone any plastic surgery in the
past? If yes, what is it? Where did you undergo the said procedure? If no, do
you have any plan to do any cosmetic/plastic surgery in the future? What kind
of procedure is that?
Cosmetic surgery im not against if its to add to your beauty and confidence. I have had the obvious breast augmentation in Orlando Fl.
Cosmetic surgery im not against if its to add to your beauty and confidence. I have had the obvious breast augmentation in Orlando Fl.
What do you think
is the sexiest part of body ? Why ?
a beautiful smile catches my attention and legs follow closely behind.
a beautiful smile catches my attention and legs follow closely behind.
Could we share
some of your beauty secrets ? How about your skin care ? How do you maintain a
healthy looking skin ? Any specific kind of diet ?
I am a big honey and chocolate mask fan. I usually mix raw cocoa and honey and let it sit on my face for about 15.. radiant skin and tight pores. Even better its home made haha
I am a big honey and chocolate mask fan. I usually mix raw cocoa and honey and let it sit on my face for about 15.. radiant skin and tight pores. Even better its home made haha
How about the
make-up you are using, do you prefer any specific brand? What do you prefer a
light or heavy make-up? Do you apply make-up at home?
Right now i use Mac and so far the best I have seen used on my skin to match my complexion. at hoe im all natural with eyeliner and mascara but when its time to put on make up I still prefer a more natural look so light lighter makeup.
Right now i use Mac and so far the best I have seen used on my skin to match my complexion. at hoe im all natural with eyeliner and mascara but when its time to put on make up I still prefer a more natural look so light lighter makeup.
If someone wants to contact you, how could he do ?
I can be contacted at my facebook page or website : or or
I can be contacted at my facebook page or website : or or
Thank you Leigh.
lundi 28 juillet 2014
Le JEAN de l’été !
Sexy et confortable, le jean tendance de cet été, combine
douceur de la lingerie avec la texture du denim !

Celui-ci gaine votre jambe et s’allie comme une seconde peau, pour mettre en valeur vos belles formes ! Le Stocking jean se trouve dans notre boutique, sous différents modèles, pour plus de choix !
Le mix entre legging et Jean vous offre ainsi plus de
De jour comme de nuit, votre jean alliera élégance et
simplicité au cours de votre été !
Décliné sous plusieurs couleurs et textures, faites de ce
nouveau jean, votre « indispensable de l’été ».
Venez vite découvrir le jean qui fera rager les autres filles cet été en boutique au 66 avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris.
jeudi 24 juillet 2014
Interview of Ms Michelle Lewin
Michelle Lewin is originally from Maracay in Venezuela but now lives in Miami, Florida. She is 27 years old, 5’5″ and weighs 120 lbs. Michelle started in 2010 like a Fitness Model with her first cover of magazine in Venezuela. From this date, she is doing a lot of cover for USA, Canada, Spain and of course Venezuela. Different brands are asking her to present their collection and more specially for swimwear. She is currently preparing IFBB Pro Bikini Competition in the way of her fitness lifestyle.
Today, we are happy to
conduct an interview with Michelle who is one of the top fitness models in the industry.
1. Your details are
perfect with 91D/61/91, Is it genetic or coming from sport ?
No, that´s not genetic. It comes fully from sport, I was like a stick
when I was younger.
2. What is your method to keep your body’s details ?
Gym between 5-10 times per week and a very strict diet.
3. You have a passion for sport and fitness. Is it now a way of life ?
24 hours. It has become a life style. And I love it!
4. You are doing a lot of cover. For which one was the shooting the funniest one ?
The Playboy one. It was my own production. Playboy was chasing me for 2 years but I wasn´t happy with their photographers. I wanted to be proud of the result, not ashamed. So I could choose my own photographer, make-up artist, location and the few clothes I was wearing. We had a blast! And the result were amazing.
5. You are doing different style even Glamour. You have no problem in front of the camera ?
No, glamour is fun! There´s always a lot of laughter while we shoot. I´m proud of my body and have no problem showing it off. But Playboy was a one-timer. I don´t feel I have the need to do more nudes.
6. Where are going for the different shooting ?
I always have plans for what kind of shoot I want to do, and to be able to fulfil those shoots I have to move. And at the same time, I get to see the world!
7. Which place do you prefer and why ?
Paradise on earth is a place called Los Roques in Venezuela. It´s like the Maldives, but more genuine without all the luxuary. But Italy is undoubtly one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
8. We could read that you want to become the top girls in USA in Fitness Competition. Why ?
My goal was to be Playboy cover model. So that´s done... now what? I love my new lifestyle and why not make the most of it! I´m sure I can get pretty far.
9. Do you want to change your image ?
Not really no. It´s just a change of goal. I´m proud of what I have achived.

10. Do you use some artifice like superbooster bra ?
I can´t live without the Victoria´s Secret bra called Miraculous. That´s pure magic.
11. Or perhaps esthetic surgery ?
Oh yes, soy Venezolana! We´re curvy. And if you´re not curvy enough on your 18th birthday, dad buys you a new pair of breasts. The butt is pure muscles, but I had help with my breast. Nothing more.
12. In Venezuela, the message from the international press is to announce surgery is mandatory for Miss Competition. Do you think this competition need to stay with or without ?
Yeah, it´s craaaazyyyy!!! They have this guy, employed by the association, to look at the participants. Then he writes a list to each and everyone to hand their surgean of what should be done. That has become an industry. You go to the surgean like french goes to the dentist.
13. You are coming from Venezuela, have an apartment in Miami and are living in Sweden. Important mix. Where do you prefer to live and why ?
Miami for sure. Miami Beach has everything.
14. What is the difference of Beauty between Venezuela, USA and Sweden? Venezuela has got the curves, the moves and the steam. USA has got the mix of many cultures, but Sweden has the most beautiful girls. Well, they´ve got the poreclain faces but not the bodies.
I´m in Miami to start up a new
company. I have big plans but I cannot reveal here what it is, someone will
probably rob the idea. But it´s something in Fitness. Remember my name, you
will see it a lot more in the future!
16. Where can we see more of you?
I update my Twitter ( ), Instagram ( ) and Facebook as much as possible. It´s
@michelle_lewin and
I have two videos on youtube aswell, well worth seeing. Reflects my personality
a bit more than the photos. And of course my website,
Libellés :
Michelle Lewin,
Pays/territoire :
Miami, Floride, États-Unis
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